Time series analysis in process industry.

Lecture at Anwendungen der Künstlichen Intelligenz in der Prozessindustrie, Dresden, Germany, 2025.

Quantum Transport Simulation for CNTFET.

Invited talk at Sino-German Workshop on Multiphysics Device Simulation and Hardware-Aware Computing, Xi'an, China, 2024.

FOREST – a framework to track and trace energy and emissions at product level.

64th Dornbirn Global Fiber Congress, Dornbirn, Austria, 2024.

Expedite data labeling with interactive machine learning algorithms.

ACHEMA 2024, Frankfurt, Germany, 2024.

Optimal hourly scheduling of all-electric mine operations considering renewable energy integration.

25th VDI-Kongress AUTOMATION, Baden-Baden, Germany, 2024.

Unsupervised Learning of Batch Production Steps based on Toeplitz Inverse Covariance Clustering.

24th VDI-Kongress AUTOMATION, Baden-Baden, Germany, 2023.

Comparison of various Dynamic Time Warping approach for analysis of time series data from batch processes.

24th VDI-Kongress AUTOMATION, Baden-Baden, Germany, 2023.

Recognizing phases in batch production via interactive feature extraction.

RAAI 2022 (online), Singapore, Singapore, 2022.

Active learning application for recognizing steps in chemical batch production.

ETFA 2022, Stuttgart, Germany, 2022.

Active Learning in Industrial Analytics Applications – Case Study for Batch Analytics.

ACHEMA 2022, Frankfurt, Germany, 2022.

Material tracking based soft sensor for greenhouse gas emission monitoring in process industries.

23rd VDI-Kongress AUTOMATION, Baden-Baden, Germany, 2022.

Instrumentation and modeling of performance and power consumption for massively parallel processors.

HiPEAC 2021 Conference (online), Budapest, Hungary, 2021.

Numerical simulation for macrophage-fibroblast system with uncertainty quantification.

Symposium of Informatics for Life, Heidelberg, Germany, 2020.

Application of uncertainty quantification for rotating device.

Invited talk at Xi’an University of Technology (XAUT), Xi’an, China, 2019.

Hiflow3: An open source multi-purpose finite element software.

Invited talk at Peking University (PKU), Beijing, China, 2019.

Uncertainty assessment of the blood damage in a FDA blood pump.

Invited talk at Sino-German Symposium on Uncertainty Quantification for Engineering and Industrial Applications, Heidelberg, Germany, 2019.

Uncertainty assessment of the blood damage in a FDA blood pump.

International Conference on Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Sciences and Engineering (UNCECOMP), Crete, Greece, 2019.

Uncertainty quantification for the simulation of the human heart.

Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Berlin, Germany, 2019.

Uncertainty quantification for the simulation of the human heart.

BIOTRONIK SE & Co. KG, Berlin, Germany, 2019.

Uncertainty quantification for a blood pump device with generalized polynomial chaos expansion.

HITS Scientific Advisory Board meeting, Heidelberg, Germany, 2018.

Uncertainty quantification for the reliable simulation of a blood pump device.

SIAM conference on Uncertainty Quantification (UQ18), Los Angeles, USA, 2018.

Unterstützung für schwache Herzen: Das zuverlässige Kunstherz aus dem Hochleistungsrechner.

Doctoral Conferment Ceremony of Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, Germany, 2018.

Application of uncertainty quantification for a rotating device.

Invited talk at Northeast Electric Power University (NEEPU), Jilin City, China, 2017.

Multilevel preconditioner of polynomial chaos method for quantifying uncertainties in a blood pump.

International Conference on Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Sciences and Engineering (UNCECOMP), Rhodes, Greece, 2017.

Uncertainty quantification for a biomedical blood pump application.

SIAM conference on Uncertainty Quantification (UQ16), Lausanne, Switzerland, 2016.

A polynomial chaos method for uncertainty quantification in blood pump simulation.

International workshop on Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Fluid Dynamics, Paris, France, 2015.

A towards blood pump simulation using polynomial chaos and the variational multiscale method.

International conference on Quantification of Uncertainty in Engineering, Sciences and Technology (QUEST), Beijing, China, 2015.