Chen SONG 宋宸

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2013.12 -- 2018.06 Heidelberg University, Germany
Ph.D. Mathematics Thesis: Uncertainty Quantification for a Blood Pump Device with Generalized Polynomial Chaos Expansion.
Magna Cum Laude. Grade: 1.0. (2017.12. submitted & 2018.06. defended).
2012.09 -- 2013.09 Claude Bernard University Lyon 1, France
Master Master of Research: Biomechanics.
2010.09 -- 2013.09 Polytech Lyon - Claude Bernard University Lyon 1, France
Diplôme d’ingénieur Engineer’s degree: Mechanical Engineering.
2008.09 -- 2010.09 Claude Bernard University Lyon 1, France
DUT Two-year degree: Mechanical and Production Engineering.

Working Experience

Senior Scientist Industrial AI.
2024.10 -- present ABB Corporate Research Center, Germany
Scientist Automation & Analytics.
2021.03 -- 2024.09 ABB Corporate Research Center, Germany
External Supervisor Electrical Engineering Faculty.
2021.05 -- present Xi'an University of Technology, China
External Supervisor School of Light Industry and Food Engineering.
2024.11 -- present Guangxi University, China
Guest Lecture Machine Learning and Statistics.
2024.05 -- 2024.06 SRH Hochschule Heidelberg, Germany
PostDoc Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing (IWR).
2018.06 -- 2021.02 Heidelberg University, Germany
Researcher Data Mining and Uncertainty Quantification (DMQ).
2017.04 -- 2021.02 Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS), Germany
PhD Scholarship Data Mining and Uncertainty Quantification (DMQ).
2013.12 -- 2017.03 Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS), Germany
Doctoral Researcher Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing (IWR).
2013.12 -- 2018.06 Heidelberg University, Germany
Internship Laboratory of Fluid Mechanics and Acoustics (LMFA).
2013.04 -- 2013.09 French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), France
Internship Biomechanics and Impact Mechanics Laboratory (LBMC).
2012.07 -- 2012.08 French Institute of Science and Technology for Transport, Spatial Planning, Development and Networks (IFSTTAR), France