Intelligent Monitoring Technology of Partial Discharge Based on an Integrated Sensing–Memory–Computation System.
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Open Reference Architecture for Sustainable Papermaking based on Industrial Interoperability Standards and Cloud-Native Technologies.
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Optimal hourly scheduling of all-electric mine operations considering renewable energy integration.
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Numerical investigation on the convergence of self-consistent schrödinger-poisson equations in semiconductor device transport simulation.
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Jiezi: An open-source python software for simulating quantum transport based on non-equilibrium green’s function formalism.
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Random telegraph noise characteristic of nonvolatile resistive random access memories based on optical interference principle.
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Unsupervised learning of batch production steps based on toeplitz inverse covariance clustering.
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Comparison of various dynamic time warping approach for analysis of time series data from batch processes.
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Machine Learning Approaches for Phase Identification Using Process Variables in Batch Processes.
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Deep anomaly detection on tennessee eastman process data.
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Numerical and machine learning analysis of the parameters affecting the regionally delivered nasal dose of nano- and micro-sized aerosolized drugs.
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Recognizing phases in batch production via interactive feature extraction.
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An optical measurement method for nanosecond impulse signal monitoring of partial discharge based on fabry-perot interferometer sensing system.
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Active learning application for recognizing steps in chemical batch production.
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Phase identification of batch processes by using active learning.
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Material tracking based soft sensor for greenhouse gas emission monitoring in process industries.
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Influence of potential induced degradation phenomena on electrical insulating backsheet in photovoltaic modules.
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Studies of radiation effects in al2o3-based metal-oxide-semiconductor structures induced by si heavy ions.
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Investigation of the influence of electron avalanche on the crystallinity of backsheet in solar photovoltaic system for sustainable energy.
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Sparse grids for quantifying motion uncertainties in biomechanical models of radiotherapy patients.
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Numerical simulation and experiments on monopolar negative corona discharge applied in nanocomposites.
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